Memorial Library. Cardinal mascot, Nancy Parker Wilson ‘81, Parker Wilson ‘15, Robert Marraffa ’82, P’18 and Jacqueline Marraffa ’84, P’18 and Nicholas Marraffa ’18; Jackie Brilliant ‘86, Josephine Jenks ‘18, Anthony Jenks ‘85, Rachel Hines ‘82, President Michael S. Roth ’78, Max Cembatest ‘18, Rich Melchreit ‘77, Elizabeth Spitz ‘18, Frank Spitz ‘85, Robert Melchreit ‘18, Chris Steidl ’18, Julia Griffin ’79, John Steidl ’79, Vicky Fish ’84, Gail Farris ’84, Jen Farris ‘16
Second row (mid): Shelby Haverson ‘82, Sallie Fullerton ‘18, Marjorie Kozloff ‘18, Vanessa Burgess ‘77, Caleb King ‘17, Jaqui King ‘87, Victoria King ‘18, Jane Metz Robinson ‘87, Courtney Robinson ‘18, David Robinson ‘87, Amena Ali ‘85, Sonya Bessalel ‘18, Bryce Zurcher ‘18, Julie Kraushaar Zurcher ‘82, Henrik Dohlman ‘82, Anders Dohlman ‘15
First row (bottom/front): Bill Weinreb ‘83, Gabe Weinreb ’18, Lisa Goodman ‘83, Ruth Jaffe ‘83, Max Horowitz ‘18, Carey Dimmitt ‘84, Sarah Dobrow ‘18, Grace Rubin ‘18, Mark Rubin ‘76, Nancy Rosenberg ‘80, Sonya Sternlieb ‘18, Rachel Hart ‘85, Lila Levinson ‘18
Family Weekend, held the last weekend in September this year, featured WESeminars, athletic contests, and many delighted Wesleyan alumni parents. They lined up with their Wesleyan students on Denison Terrace, along with President Michael S. Roth ’78. The Wesleyan Cardinal was also on hand to celebrate the latest generation of Wesleyan spirit.
This year Family Weekend was separate from Homecoming, which was held during fall break to coincide with the annual NESCAC- scheduled Wesleyan home game with Williams.
Among the Homecoming events scheduled, family and friends of the late Joseph G. Lynch ’47, GP ’07, ’14, gathered to toast and celebrate the life of Wesleyan’s #1 fan. “The Best Seat in the House” above Andrus Field on the deck outside the Daniel Family Common in the Usdan University Center is dedicated in his memory.
Photos by Dat Vu ’15, John Van Vlack and Olivia Drake MALS ’08