Letters to the Editor

In the absence of any Letters to the Editor for this issue, we turned to ChatGPT for a humorous look at the AI version of what our readers might have on their minds. Don’t let the robots speak for you! Email your letters to magazine@wesleyan.edu or send them to Letters to the Editor, Wesleyan University Magazine, University Communications, 2nd Floor, 55 High Street, Middletown, CT 06457.

Goose Bumps

Dear Editor,

I am writing with great frustration and disappointment regarding the recent incident on Wesleyan’s campus. It seems that the geese have taken it upon themselves to establish a reign of terror, turning the serene pathways into their personal minefield. Their droppings now decorate every square inch, posing a hazard to unsuspecting students and visitors alike. I implore the University to take swift action and implement a comprehensive plan to control this avian menace. It’s high time we put an end to the incessant honking and reclaim our campus from these feathered foes. Our shoes and dignity deserve better!

An Exasperated Observer

Sweet Talk

Dear Editor,

I must bring to your attention a matter of utmost urgency—the perplexing absence of sprinkles in the ice cream served at Wesleyan’s dining halls. How can we call it a true ice cream experience without those delightful little sugary adornments? It’s an affront to dessert lovers everywhere! The sheer injustice of having to settle for plain vanilla or chocolate without the colorful confetti-like joy of sprinkles is truly disheartening. I implore the University to rectify this dire situation immediately, restoring the much-needed sprinkle-filled bliss to our frozen treats. Only then can we fully indulge in the sweet satisfaction that Wesleyan’s dining experience should provide.

A Sprinkle Enthusiast

Missed Connection

Dear Editor,

In this bustling world of Wesleyan’s campus, love can strike at the most unexpected moments. I couldn’t help but notice a certain groundhog with a spring in its step, frolicking near Foss Hill. Your lively demeanor and burrowing skills caught my attention, and our eyes met for a brief moment. Alas, like ships passing in the night, we went our separate ways. But dear groundhog, if you ever find yourself craving a bird’s serenade or sharing a squirrel-free picnic, know that this Cardinal seeks to connect once more. Let’s soar above the campus together and create a love story that will be sung through the trees.

Yours faithfully, 
A Hopeful Cardinal

Digital Disruption

Dear Editor, 

I write with a heavy heart to express my concerns about the increasing prominence of chatbots and artificial intelligence, such as ChatGPT, in higher education. While technological advancements offer undeniable benefits, the reliance on these automated systems in academic settings raises significant apprehensions. Education should be about human connection, critical thinking, and the exchange of diverse ideas. ChatGPT’s presence threatens to replace the rich interactions between students and professors, diminishing the depth and authenticity of learning experiences. Let us not sacrifice the essence of education at the altar of efficiency. It is crucial that we preserve the human touch that makes Wesleyan’s educational experience truly exceptional.

A Concerned Advocate for Human Connection

(A)I am With Stupid

Dear Editor: 

I feel compelled to address the matter of ChatGPT’s sense of humor, or rather, lack thereof. While artificial intelligence has made impressive strides, its attempts at humor fall flat. ChatGPT’s responses often feel forced, lacking the nuance and wit that comes naturally to human comedy. It’s as if a robotic comedian stumbled upon a pile of knock-knock jokes and delivered them without understanding the essence of comedic timing or context. As we embrace technological advancements, let us not forget the irreplaceable charm and creativity of human humor, for nothing can quite match the laughter evoked by genuine human wit.

A Lover of Authentic Comedy