Dr. Franklyn Judson ’64 funded an IRA during his illustrious career as a physician specializing in infectious diseases and epidemiology, including a period as director of Public Health for the city of Denver. As he prepared to return to campus last year for Homecoming/Family Weekend, he decided that it was the time to make a gift toward Wesleyan’s future. Understanding that his IRA is the most tax-burdened asset he could pass on to his loved ones, he gave $100,000 from his IRA to the University’s endowment, with no restrictions on how income should be spent.
Frank Judson has been gratified by Wesleyan’s commitment to control the costs of higher education and by the campaign’s focus on building endowment resources. His gift, he asserted, is “a statement of confidence and trust in where I think Wesleyan is going.”
Also impelling Judson’s giving was his 50th Reunion, May 2014, for which he served as co-chair. Among his classmates, he notes, are some who have the sense that “values have changed” at Wesleyan and others who have felt that financially “year by year things were eroding.” Although for a time he shared similar concerns, Judson has a strongly positive view of Wesleyan today and hopes his example and efforts with classmates can “bring them into the fold.” Homecoming 2013, highlighted by the football victory and celebratory receptions afterward, confirmed his enthusiasm.
Giving from your IRA during your lifetime or through your estate planning is an option “if you’re fortunate enough, as I am, not to need the income from the IRA,” Judson notes. He encourages giving to Wesleyan in this or other ways, observing succinctly, “No money, no mission.”
For more information, contact Mark Davis ’96, Director of Planned Giving, at 860/685-3660 or mdavis@wesleyan.edu.
For further information on these gifts and others, please go to thisiswhy.wesleyan.edu