Wesleyan Legacies Gather at Homecoming/Family Weekend 2019

This year’s Legacy Photo, taken the Saturday morning of Homecoming Weekend, filled three rows of Denison Terrace on the chilly first Saturday in November with alumni and their Wesleyan undergraduates.
Top Row: Jeff Hurwitz ’90, P’23, Lexi Hurwitz ’23, Caroline Gessert ’89, P’23; Annika Shiffer-Delegard ’23, Kirsten Delegard ’90, P’23 (missing from photo: James Shiffer ’89, P’23); Marc Brotman ’89, P’23, Alex Brotman ’23, Sabrina Zook ’89, P’23; Brooks Kraft ’87, P’23, Daniel Kraft ’23, Christine Kraft (visiting student in ’87) P’23; Jeffrey Burack ’83, P’23, Nathan Markman, Stanley Markman ’23, Lauren Levy ’91, P’23; India Daniel ’22, Stephen Daniel ’82 P’22; Zelda Galdenzi ’22, Kathy Galdenzi ’91, P’22; Cheryl Green ’80, P’22, Jim Green ’80, P’22 (missing from photo: Mitchell Green ’22, off campus at a debate tournament).
Middle Row: Sam Robinson ’92 (uncle of Zachary Hersh ’20, missing from photo), Laura Edmiston Carroll ’91, James Rumberger ’88, P’23, Julia Rumberger ’23, Mark Edmiston ’65, P’91, GP’23; Shashi Caudill ’84, P’20, Leah Cravitz ’20; Tim Soley ’84, P’23, Max Soley ’23, Maria Gallace ’84, P’23; Mark Randles ’84, P’23, Ellie Randles ’23; David Gottlieb ’22, Bethel Gorin Gottlieb ’90, P’22 (surviving spouse of Brian Gottlieb ’88, P’22), and missing from photo: Robert Gorin ’57, P’90, GP ’22; Vincente Caride ’85, P’23, Michael S. Roth ’78; Melissa Marks ’87, P’23, Archie Caride ’23; Eunes Harun ’20, Harriet Petroskey Harun GLSP ’87, P’20; Tricia Reilly ’83, P’21, Peter Reilly Yurkovsky ’21.
Front Row: Belle Brown ’22, Timothy Brown P’17, P’22, Lucy Mize, ’78 P’17, P’22, (daughter of the late David Mize ’51, P’78, GP ’17, ’22); Chris Coggins ’85, P’15, ’22; Tanya Kalischer ’85, P’15, ’22, Noah Kalischer-Coggins ’22; Sam Dixon ’22, Gabriella Nawi ’90, P’22; Silvia Mayo ’23, Silvia Mayo Molina ’91, P’23; Stephen Ferruolo ’71, P’20; Stephen Ferruolo ’20; The Wesleyan Cardinal; Mia Kim ’22, Mickey Kim ’86, P’22; Lila Meyerhardt Blaustein ’23, Jennifer Meyerhardt ’86, P’23; Johannah Dunham Townsend ’91, P’22, Rachel Townsend ’22, Chris Townsend ’89, P’22.