Category 2005 Issue 3Posted on

Calculated Risks

ALAN DACHS '70, PRESIDENT AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER OF THE SAN FRANCISO-BASED INVESTMENT COMPANY FREMONT GROUP, recently concluded 14 years of service on Wesleyan's Board of Trustees, eight of those as chair. He played key roles in the selection of Douglas Bennet '59 as president, in Wesleyan's $2…
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Category 2005 Issue 2Posted on

Landsat View

Some old aerial photos, a handmade map, a bright idea?that and a lot of hard work may provide a whole new way to evaluate and influence the rapid growth of Connecticut’s Middlesex County.   The project began when …
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Category 2005 Issue 2Posted on

What’s Cooking?

A woman's place is in the kitchen, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, and the best way for a gal to hook a man is to demonstrate her domestic skills. At least this was the popular perception in post-World W…
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Category 2005 Issue 2Posted on

Star Treatment

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF ASTRONOMY EDWARD MORAN was toying with the idea of taking a webcam with him to the Kitt Peak National Observatory so sophomores in his Introduction to Astronomical Techniques class could get a clos…
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Category 2005 Issue 2Posted on

The Comeback Drug

VISITORS LOOKING FOR THE HEADQUARTERS OF IMCLONE would do well to keep the address in hand because the exterior of an aging building in lower Manhattan's SoHo area does not reveal its corporate resident. This low profile…
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