Category 2003 Issue 3Posted on

Chasing the Widow-Maker

ALAN MILLER '76, INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER FOR THE LOS ANGELES TIMES,was searching for a story that would make readers put down their coffee. He wanted his words to change lives. He had won awards—though not yet the coveted Pulitzer—for his reporting on the Clinton/Gore campaign finance scandal, a sto…
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Category 2003 Issue 3Posted on


THE BROAD OUTCOME OF THE WAR IN IRAQ may not be known for years, but in one aspect the results are already clear. The long-standing antagonism between the military and media over war coverage is dramatically changed. The…
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Category 2003 Issue 3Posted on

Made From Scratch

AS THE CROWD TRICKLES IN TO A TRENDY MANHATTAN NIGHT CLUB, Jahi Sundance Lake '01, one of New York's hottest young deejays, lugs two steel crates and a satchel stuffed with LPs up the stairs to the loft where he'll perfo…
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Category 2003 Issue 2Posted on


Our roundup of noteworthy publications by Wesleyan alumni, faculty members, and parents. AMANDA DAVIS ’93 Wonder When You’ll Miss Me (HarperCollins/William Morrow, 2003) In this heartbreaking coming-of-age debut nove…
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