Category 2002 Issue 4Posted on

Food for Thought

DURING HIS 1995 SABBATICAL, PROFESSOR OF GOVERNMENT JOHN FINN did something a bit unusual for a constitutional law scholar of his age and reputation: He went to culinary school. Three days a week for nine months he took…
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Category 2002 Issue 4Posted on

Campaign Artistry

THE SHUTTER CLICKS AND BROOKS KRAFT '87 CAPTURES President George W. Bush whispering in the ear of Senator Ted Kennedy, the president's hand lightly resting on the senator's shoulder as both men smile. It's a quintessent…
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Category 2002 Issue 4Posted on

What’s Eating Us?

"A LOT OF PEOPLE THINK EATING DISORDERS are based in vanity," says Professor of Psychology Ruth Striegel-Moore. "Bulimia is ‘the stupid thing vain women do.' But they're really disorders of identity." That crucial insig…
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Category 2002 Issue 4Posted on

Critical Care

DR. JOSEPH J. FINS '82 WAS A FIRST-YEAR FELLOW in general internal medicine in New York when Eunice Thomas*, a black woman from Guyana with a problem-plagued medical history, was wheeled in by her daughter, Jennifer. Str…
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Category 2002 Issue 3Posted on


Our roundup of noteworthy publications by Wesleyan alumni, faculty members, and parents. DOMINIQUE BROWNING ’77 Around the House and in the Garden (Scribner, 2002) For several years, House & Garden editor–in–chie…
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