Category 2018 Issue 2Posted on

Editor’s Note: A Stethoscope, a Camera Lens, and a Batphone

This issue on journalism and media has felt more personal than most, particularly as we prepared for the retirement of editor Bill Holder ’75. While collecting stories of the journalists profiled in these pages, I’ve been considering: What are the traits and skills that outstanding journalists both …
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Category 2018 Issue 1Posted on


ROLE OF SAYRE (1917) IN AEP ACQUISITION I enjoyed your article on the history of Wesleyan but was disappointed with the rather cursory description of the University’s good fortune derived from the acquisition of the Ame…
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Category 2017 Issue 3Posted on


COULD THIS BE WHY? Looking back at Wesleyan sports over half a century ago, among the NEICAA champions I remember were broad jumpers Ernie Dunn ’59, Jim Thomas ’61, and Dick Huddleston ’60, miler Steve Paranya ’61, wres…
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