Category 2003 Issue 1Posted on


Our roundup of noteworthy publications by Wesleyan alumni, faculty members, and parents. CARLO ROTELLA ’86 Good with Their Hands: Boxers, Bluesmen and Other Characters from the Rust Belt (University of California Press, 2002) In this fine investigation of postindustrial urban America, Rotella …
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Category 2003 Issue 1Posted on

Glass Pavilion

College Row has looked pretty much the same for generations. A quick glance at the area between Memorial Chapel and ’92 Theater, however, reveals that change is coming, most visibly through the construction of an all-wea…
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Category 2003 Issue 1Posted on

Global Conflict

Hanna Ingber ’03, a major in the College of Social Studies, reports on Wesleyan’s first Shasha Seminar for Human Concerns, which focused on “Cultural Roots of Global Conflict.”   Attending the Shasha Seminar on gl…
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Category 2003 Issue 1Posted on

Smoke Signals

ALDOUS HUXLEY AND GEORGE BURNS HAD AT LEAST ONE THING IN COMMON: Both believed a good cigar is essential to happiness. Huxley said a cigar is "much more lasting than love, so much less costly in emotional wear and tear."…
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Category 2003 Issue 1Posted on

Who Owns The Past?

KARIN HALVORSEN '97 HAS NO TROUBLE REMEMBERING AN AFTER-DINNER DEBATE she witnessed as an undergraduate on a dig in Morgantina, Sicily, co-sponsored by Wesleyan and the University of Virginia. The archaeologists around t…
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