Category 2020-2021 Winter IssuePosted on February 6, 2021February 8, 2021Freedom of Expression With a background in journalism and inspired by her parents’ activism and the strength of their conviction, Vice President for Communications Renell Wynn looks for stories that illuminate the full bre…
Category 2020-2021 Winter IssuePosted on February 6, 2021February 6, 2021The Lighter Side Artist Jason Adam Katzenstein ’13 has been publishing with The New Yorker since 2014. An English major and now a visitin…
Category 2020-2021 Winter IssuePosted on February 6, 2021February 6, 2021An Original Path Committed to pursuing her passions and evolving as a leader, Donna Jacobs ’78 has excelled in such disparate fields as l…
Category 2020-2021 Winter IssuePosted on February 6, 2021February 28, 2021This Land is Our Land Jordan Pond at sunset. Photo by Will Newton/FOA. David MacDonald ’86, the head of Friends of Acadia, wants us to take…
Category 2020-2021 Winter IssuePosted on February 6, 2021February 6, 2021Community Changemakers Three Connecticut leaders reflect on what it takes to make a difference within a state, city, or town. It’s easy to c…
Category 2020-2021 Winter IssuePosted on February 6, 2021February 6, 2021Finfluencer Extraordinaire For over 173,000 followers between Instagram and YouTube, Haley Sacks ’13 is making finance fun. by Kira Goldenberg …
Category 2020-2021 Winter IssuePosted on February 6, 2021February 6, 2021How Young Leaders Can Drive Change From living on the streets of Ghana to running a nonprofit for disadvantaged students, Ferdinand Quayson ’20 is focused …
Category 2020-2021 Winter IssuePosted on February 6, 2021February 6, 2021Game On Though fall and winter semester competitions were canceled, the Department of Athletics still found ways for fall, winte…
Category 2020-2021 Winter IssuePosted on February 6, 2021February 6, 2021From Global Pandemic to Anti-Racism: 2020 in Review 2020 will undoubtedly go down in history as one of the most memorable years of the modern era. From the threat and real-…
Category 2020-2021 Winter IssuePosted on February 6, 2021February 22, 2021Unknown Territory Wesleyan’s Pandemic Planning Committee has played a critical role in helping the University welcome its community safely…